Corrine Stokoe is the founder of the popular deal blog Mint Arrow established in 2013, host of the top-10 rated podcast Mint Arrow Messages with 8M downloads, public speaker, wife of a husband who identifies as a recovering pornography addict, mother of 5, and a recovering codependent herself. Corrine has been studying codependency in-depth for the past 15 years, attended outpatient rehab for codependency, worked the 12-steps for codependency and sponsored people for many years in their codependency journey. She has been featured on podcasts like All-In and Magnify and written an article for the Ensign magazine in her role as the spouse of an addict who has worked her own recovery program on codependency.
She has spoken as a panelist and keynote presenter at prestigious events such as Alt Summit, Create & Cultivate, and BYU Women’s Conference.
She has taken all that she’s learned in her research, application and teaching codependency into a simple 10-module bootcamp to help people break free from codependency FOR GOOD.